
时间:2024-02-24 08:33:50


  导语:再塑生命是一本著名的课外读物,他给我们讲诉了: 生命是世界上最美好的东西 , 世界万物皆有生命。可是上帝的创造总不是那么完美,甚至有些残酷,如果在这些有缺陷的人濒临绝境时拉他们一把,那么生命将会延续,生命将会走向光明。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


  Life is so fragile, so strong; Life is so ordinary, so precious; Life is so small, and so great.

  Life for her, so unfortunately, she became deaf, dumb and blind people due to illness, in the face of the unfair of god do this to her, she was not discouraged, do not escape, because in the face of a variety of body causes her to learning difficulties, she broke through the heavy resistance, became a famous American woman writer, it all comes from her desire for the life, unyielding spirit, this is Helen Keller. She is eager to be loved, eager to light, and this is the angel of light Sullivan teacher, she saved with selfless love Karen, let her know what love is, what is the happiness of life, let her feel to the value of life, to find the compass, she has been clear about the direction again, inspired her and seek knowledge desire to survive, Sullivan teacher help Karen plastic life again.

  This miracle is not just rely on during the li teacher's industrious teaching, more important is the author Helen's own strong will. If Helen is not strong, she can not stand the secular discrimination; If she is not strong, she will not accept the teacher's education; If she is not strong, she can't suffered agonies of difficulties can be seen, a strong will to one's life is how important! It is like a never rusty sword, auxiliary way in your life, like a light that never goes out of a lamp, illuminates the way forward for you. I finally know the greatness of the human nature and difficulties of small in front of love, let me understand, to be optimistic face life, face life with a smile, to face the world with love.

  It made me think: even so the deaf, why can't we rest? Helen to her spirit of perseverance and strong beyond ordinary people, learned a lot of knowledge, created the miracle of people, no one is not a thumbs-up. Knowledge as sea control the direction of the compass, only have it, don't get lost in the ocean of knowledge, we did not possess knowledge.

  Yes, life is the most beautiful things in the world, the world all things have a life. But the creation of god are not always perfect, even some cruel, if in these defective person dying pull them, then life will continue, and life will be toward the light.



  生命对于她来说,是如此的不幸, 她自幼因病成为聋哑瞎人 ,面对上天这样对她的不公平,她不气馁、不逃避,面对种种因为身体对她造成学习上的困难,她冲破了重重阻力,成为著名美国女作家,这一切都源于她对生命的渴望,自强不息的精神,这就是海伦凯勒。 她渴望被爱,渴望光明,而这个光明的使者就是莎莉文老师,她用无私的爱拯救了凯伦,让她知道什么是爱,什么是生命的幸福, 让她感悟到生命的可贵,找到了指南针,使她重新又明确了方向,激起了她求生和求识的欲望 ,莎莉文老师帮凯伦再塑生命。

  这奇迹的发生并不仅仅依赖于莎莉文老师的辛勤教导,更重要的是作者海伦自身的坚强意志。如果海伦不坚强,她就不能忍受世俗的歧视;如果她不坚强,她就不会接受老师的`教育;如果她不坚强,她就不能饱受困难的煎熬可见,坚强的意志对人的一生是何等重要啊!它像一把永不生锈的利剑,辅助你在人生道路上披荆斩棘, 像 一盏永不熄灭的明灯,为你照亮前进的方向。 我终于 知道了人性的伟大和困难在爱面前的渺小, 让我明白,要以乐观面对生活,以微笑面对生命,以爱面对世界。


  是啊, 生命是世界上最美好的东西 , 世界万物皆有生命。可是上帝的创造总不是那么完美,甚至有些残酷,如果在这些有缺陷的人濒临绝境时拉他们一把,那么生命将会延续,生命将会走向光明。

